As I promised in the daily reports on the TeX User Group Conference 2011, here’s the presentation I made on that meeting.
You can directly download it as PDF file: TeX Online Communities
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This presentation is about TeX online communities, such as discussion groups, mailing lists and web forums. During this talk I introduced the TeX Q&A site and showed some of its features which make it a good choice for developing and sharing TeX contents, for building a TeX knowledge base besides just discussing. Finally I compared those systems.
This presentation and text is free with cc-wiki license and attribution required, which means you are free to use, to share and to remix it, while mentioning the author’s name.
Bringing together TeX users online – from Usenet to Web 2.0 and beyond
It all began with the Usenet, around 1980. The online discussion board comp.text.tex emerged, where TeX hackers gathered and still populate it today.
On the continuously developing Internet, TeX user groups created mailing lists, built homepages and software archives. Web forums turned up and lowered the barrier for beginners and occasional TeX users for getting support.
Today, TeX’s friends can also follow blogs, news feeds, and take part in vibrant question and answer sites.
In this talk we will look at present online TeX activities.
See also the TUG 2011 conference program.
For the daily reports, see:
Thanks for letting people who couldn’t make it know what’s going on!
Nice. Which beamer-theme do you use?
A small correction: The way sx works, not the best solution is at the top but the most popular. A late solution that’s better than the accepted answer typically won’t rise to the top.
I used lankton-keynote.