Frequently asked questions: Building a list (in German)

The TeX-sx site is a great place to ask TeX-related questions, but there are some really common questions that it makes sense to collect up in a Frequently Asked Question list. In English, UK-TUG founded such a list many years ago, and it’s grown under the stewardship of Robin Fairbairns to be an excellent resource. In German, DANTE have an FAQ list, but it’s not had the same loving care that the English equivalent has received. That’s a surprise, as there are a lot of German-speaking TeX users.

TeX-sx regular and DANTE board member Patrick Gundlach (‘topskip’) has now taken this situation in hand, and has set up as a new FAQ in German with a sensible back-end and a Creative Commons license. The list is just being set up, and what is needed is help to grow the information. That’s easy to contribute as the site is build on GitHub, and e-mail contributions are welcome. I hope our German-speaking TeX-sx contributors all add an answer or two!

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