TeX User Group Meeting 2015

From 20th to 22nd of July, the TUG 2015 conference took place in Darmstadt, Germany. It was a splendid time, and it was so great to meat you brilliant TeX Stack Exchange friends there!

We had

  • awesome presentations, some of the best done by TeX.SE members
  • an excursion to the underground and to the deep past
  • a lot of discussions
  • WiFi 🙂
  • a tasty banquet and daily lunch
  • coffee and icecream
  • some beer at night

Joseph posted daily reviews on his blog, so you could follow the proceedings close to the time, or now see a summary.

I posted notes and thoughts on LaTeX-Community.org. I tried to tell details about the presentations too, so it’s a bit longish. Here they are:

I don’t repeat what Joseph and I wrote in the reports in detail, except the most important: thanks to the TUG, thanks to the sponsors DANTE and River Valley Technologies, special thanks to Klaus Hoeppner who did a marvelous job of organizing the meeting!

We made a photo of our TeX.SE group, so guess who is who!

Stack Exchange members


7 thoughts

  1. Well, at least two people are missing on the photo: barbara beeton and Paul Gessler. That makes 18 people, yay!!

  2. Thanks for the nice photo. But guessing who is who is a hard assignment. Probably a legend would be very nice.

  3. A copy of the conference Darmstadt TeX lion drawing by Duane Bibby which had just been presented to her.

  4. From left to right: Petr Olšák (wipet), Stefan Kottwitz, Tomáš Hejda (yo’), Joseph Wright, Enrico Gregorio (egreg), Henri Menke, Heiko Oberdiek, Frank Mittelbach, David Carlisle, Ulrike Fischer, Bruno Le Floch, Martin Schröder, Arthur Reutenauer [with hat], Herbert Voß [without hat], Julien Cretel (Jubobs), Will Robertson

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