
Seamus Bradley

Seamus is a PhD student at LSE’s Philosophy department. When his thesis isn’t going well, he writes LaTeX packages and contributes to

Paulo Cereda

Paulo is a Brazilian developer, programmer and somehow a insanely frustrated mathematician wannabe. He uses LaTeX for virtually everything, specially stuff related to his areas of interest: Automata Theory, Adaptive Technology and Programming Languages.

Keks Dose

‘Keks Dose’ is the nick of Alexander W., a German lawyer in the wind energy business. He has unfortunately no programming skills, nonetheless he uses Emacs, Orgmode + LaTeX for nearly anything.

Stefan Kottwitz

Stefan is one of the moderators of He works as a IT Network & Security Engineer for a cruise ship company. He is member of the TUG and of DANTE e.V., writes about TeX on his TeXblog and maintains and

Raphaël Pinson

Raphaël is a French Systems Engineer. In his spare time, he translates and edits books for a self-publishing non-profit. He mostly uses LaTeX to typeset theology books.

Martin Scharrer

Martin is an active developer of LaTeX packages and a moderator of He is a joined member of the German and the International TeX Users Groups (DANTE and TUG). He uses LaTeX mostly for scientific publications and presentations.

Andrew Stacey

Andrew is a British mathematician currently residing in Norway.  He uses LaTeX for everything from mathematical articles to his children’s birthday invitations.

Joseph Wright

Joseph is an active member of the TeX community, both on and beyond. He is a moderator  and a member of the LaTeX3 Project, as well as being on the committee of the UK TeX Users’ Group. Joseph also writes his own blog on TeX matters, Some TeX Developments.

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