Keeping on top of the unanswered questions

Keeping a lid on the number of unanswered questions is an ongoing challenge. A little while ago, I suggested a regular session to deal with these. Our first blitz got the number down, but they are creeping back up again: at the time of writing there are 280 questions on the list. Now, there are a few entries that will probably hang around for a long time, as they have no good answer at the moment. But those entries are atypical: most questions either need a little work on an answer, or just a vote for an existing one.

So on Saturday the next ‘answer the unanswered’ session will take place. I do hope that there will be a good turnout, and that the list can be reduced down to something manageable. One of the key reasons for the success of the StackExchange model is that the questions get answered: let’s keep it that way!

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