xparse revisited
At the recent UK-TUG meeting, I spoke about one of the most popular parts of…
At the recent UK-TUG meeting, I spoke about one of the most popular parts of…
StackExchange have been an institutional member of TUG since the idea was [first raised](http://meta.tex.stackexchange.com/questions/1528/do-we-want-stack-exchange-to-become-an-institutional-member-of-the-tug) by…
The TeX-sx site is a great place to ask TeX-related questions, but there are some…
Members of Tex-sx with enough ‘reputation’ can flag questions and answers for moderator attention. That’s…
Keeping the TeX-sx site working well is a balancing act. We want good quality content,…
Using TeX is about more than just the TeX document itself: fonts are a big…
The TeX-sx chat system is a great place to get together for new ideas. A…
I’ve blogged before about what I get up to as a moderator on TeX.sx. Here,…
At some stage this week, we can expect to see the 10 000th question posted…
I was asked recently to write about a day in the life of a moderator…
Keeping a lid on the number of unanswered questions is an ongoing challenge. A little…
Today marks the first birthday for TeX.SX: the site began as a private beta year…