Today I browsed through unanswered questions on Perhaps you got an idea how to help a user?
Some randomly chosen examples:
- Plot with months and years as x-axis (from today)
The goal is to get a plot like this: - ntheorem and the list of theorems
The list of theorems is printed like this:
Liste des théorèmes theoremTheorem2Pythagorean theorem1 lemmaLemma11
It may be a conflict of ntheorem list commands and the thmtools package. (Now deimi posted a solution) - Glossaries, acronym, symbols, etc. per chapter with style super so that description part aligned vertically
The glossary shall look this way: - Separate Exercises From Solutions
It looks self-made with pgffor of TikZ, not yet with a package such as xsim. - Bibliography: how can I define a new field?
Is it possibly with biblatex? - expl3: don’t understand behavior of tl_if_novalue:nTF
It may be a bug, but the questioner doesn’t know yet. - chemfig: how to rappresent rocking and scissoring vibration
How can we get the blue arrows here? - How can I draw a cylinder that inscribes a sphere?
The try:It should better be like this:
- Plotting non continuous data sets using psgraph
Plot points are connected, but should not. - PSTricks: pscustom deforms object
When psline and pscurve are put it into pscustom, the object gets deformed: - PSTricks: question about listplot plotstyle=curve
How is the curve between two adjacent points determined mathematically? Is it possible to show or calculate the coordinates of a specific point in between two adjacent points from the list?
In my opinion, it’s good to answer older questions too. The questioner, who is usually subscribed to topic updates, would receive a notification and may rejoice at still getting advice. And we forum readers, who did not answer, may learn something new too.
So, it’s very welcome if you answer any open question!
- There’s a long list of questions without any answer. Besides this link here, there’s a menu link on the right. I browse them occasionally and pick some I can answer. Do you see some you can answer?
- There’s a list of active topics, where the ones without green checkmark ticks are unsolved. Answers and queries are desired.
Any help is welcome!